Current Scenario

The Problem as we see it

250 million students study in 1.5 million government schools across India. In these schools, the one-size-fits-all approach and lack of personalization has led to severe gaps in foundational competencies and a lack of future readiness among our students.

  • > 1/4th

    Of all children in Grade III

    were at ‘grade level’ in math and about 20% in reading. (ASER 2022)

  • > 25%

    Of 14-18 year olds

    still cannot read Grade II level text fluently in their regional language (ASER 2023)

Students aren't future ready

Nearly 50% of the occupations today will no longer exist by 2025 and With 75% of India’s 230 million youth entering or preparing to enter the workforce, there is a need to up-skill our students for the future.

Students lack AGENCY to participate in, engage with and create MEANINGFUL LEARNING experiences.

Our Solution

Building Student Agency

If we build the agency of students in the school and learning systems, and enable teachers to create such spaces for students, it will lead to more fulfilled and effective learning experiences for students, eventually ensuring students thrive and grow in ways they want to.

Towards this we design interventions that promote Student agency through

    • Collaborative learning spaces
    • Equal opportunity
    • Co-creation of learning
    • Personalized learning
    • Joyful and fulfilling learning environments

Our designs have 3 core principles

Our Vision

All children will have age-appropriate agency to thrive.

Our Mission

Facilitate peer learning spaces in government schools and communities to foster a self-sustaining ecosystem of support for students.

The Change

Creating a Better Future


    From passive learning

    Children passively absorbing information in a teacher-centric classroom


    To active exploration

    Children actively exploring, questioning, pursuing their interests, with teachers as facilitators of their curiosity.


    From One dimensional

    Classrooms as spaces for only acquisition of new knowledge with the teachers playing the central part of the process.


    To Multi-dimensional spaces of creativity and discovery

    Classrooms become joyful, collaborative and exploratory spaces with teachers facilitating, guiding and supporting students in their learning journey.


    From children as recipients

    Children being seen as recipients of learning and learning spaces.


    To children as partners

    Children participating in creating their own learning journeys and playing decision making roles in the education ecosystem.

What would this reimagined education look like?

Watch the video to see how Student Leaders, learners, teachers, and key stakeholders are together reimagining learning. The power of a simple pedagogy like Peer Teaching and learning can be seen in the academic and life outcomes of both Student Leaders and learners.

Our Impact and Vision

  • By 2030 10 Million Children from classrooms around India have an opportunity to Experience Agency.